In the unforeseen event of a pandemic (e.g. COVID-19) or natural disaster where factors beyond our control prevent both staff and students from attending face-to-face lessons, classes will be provided through Zoom and Instagram Live where possible. We will endeavour to keep to the normal timetable where appropriate and will give as much notice as possible where lesson times may be altered. Students will take part in digital lessons at their own risk, as Gemini cannot take responsibility for injuries incurred in private homes. It is expected that students attend these online lessons in order to keep up with current lesson plans that will be temporarily in place. Normal class fees will still be charged and no refunds will be offered for those who don’t partake, any standing orders that are suspended will unfortunately result in students automatically losing their place. If the pandemic persists over a length of time, then class fees will be assessed again.
By taking part in Gemini School of Dance Virtual classes you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
(a) Please be aware on Zoom that it is possible to share your screen with the class coach and this will also allow you to be seen by the rest of the class.
(b) By taking part in these lessons on Zoom, and having your camera active, we will take this as consent to being seen by your classmates, however you have the ability to turn off the camera and audio if you wish.
(c) Please note lessons on Zoom are completely private and ONLY Gemini students will be able to access them.
(d) Please note that each app has its own T&Cs which are in no way associated with Gemini and should be checked independently before use.
(e) Before taking part in any of our virtual classes including Zoom, YouTube and any other live streaming classes, participants must ensure that they;
(i) Have enough room to participate in the activity without there being any obvious risk of injury to themselves, to others, or risk of any damage to surrounding property.
(ii) Ensure that the flooring in the room is safe for the activity to be undertaken
(iii) Ensure that where appropriate and especially in respect of activities for children, participants have a suitable parent/guardian present, or as a minimum, have their consent to participate at home.
(iv) If the participant is unable to follow the coach’s instructions, they must cease the class immediately until it is possible to ask the coach for further guidance.
- All students must be enrolled by completing the Registration Form, Photography and Video Consent Form and GDPR Consent Form
- By enrolling at Gemini School of Dance (GSD), you adhere to the Terms and Conditions set out hereafter
- All students are obliged to pay by a monthly standing order. You will receive information on how to set up your standing order, and the amount to set it up for the week after your free trial. The amount given is calculated by dividing the full yearly cost (for the 37 weeks of the year) by 12 months.
- Fees must be paid on the 1st of each month by Standing Order.
- Standard orders that have not been set up / amended with 1 month of being requested will incur a late fee charge of £5.
- There is a 1-month notice period required for any child who wishes to stop classes.
- If a Standing Order is cancelled at any point the child will lose their place in the class.
- If a new class is started, only in this instance whilst waiting for a standing Order to be amended a cash payment will be accepted.
- There are no concessions or deductions for classes not attended.
- Cash payment will be accepted for dance exams, holiday clubs, school trips etc.
- Fees will be reviewed annually.
- Students have the option to take IDTA dance exams if they so wish. However, it is not compulsory at Gemini and will not change the layout of classes. In each exam class, the group will work towards a grade and when they have completed it all, they will then have a letter/email sent home to ask if they wish to take the exam or not. If a student chooses not to take the exam, they will move on to the next grade with the rest of the class providing they have learnt the work.
- Students are entered for examinations at the discretion of the principal.
- Invoices for examinations will be distributed the occasion arises.
- Exam fee deadlines must be adhered to. Once the deadline has passed, unfortunately students cannot be entered.
- A refund for non-attendance on the day of examination can only be given on production of a medical certificate, in which case the fees will be transferable to the next available exam session.
- Occasionally it is necessary to temporarily change the venue of a class or postpone it to a later date. Where this occurs GSD we will try to notify parents/carers by either email/letter, text, or by our Facebook closed family group.
- Gemini School of Dance reserve the right to cancel any classes, any time up to and including the date the class starts. Should this occur we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible via our closed family group page on Facebook and text. In these rare circumstances a replacement class will be arranged for a future date, or a credit note will be raised.
- Students are expected to demonstrate respectful behaviour towards their teacher and fellow students.
- Students must adhere to the correct uniform for all classes. Please see our uniform policy here
- Students are to arrive in good time for their classes to ensure they do not miss the essential warm-up. Latecomers will not be able to join the class until they are warm, to prevent injury.
- Students are not permitted to use mobile phones during a class. Any mobile phones brought into the class must be switched off.
- Photography or videoing is prohibited in class time by students, without prior permission.
- Students are responsible for their own property and bring items at their own risk.
- These terms and conditions, and any registration forms you have signed, constitute an agreement between you and us in connection to classes or any services superseding any prior agreement.
- Parents/Carers are required to accompany their children to the studio and to collect them from there at the end of class. The school cannot be held responsible for children outside the studio premises.
- All children under the age of 11 years must leave the premises with a parent or carer. If children under the age of 16 years wish to leave the premises without an adult, Gemini School of Dance must receive a signed letter from the parent/carer giving permission for this.
- No parents/carers are allowed into the studio whilst dance lessons are in progress – by invitation only.
- It is the parents/carers responsibility to inform GSD of any changes regarding the students’ medical conditions or emergency contact details. In this case please complete a new registration form.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to notify GSD of any illness or injury that may affect the child’s participation at class.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to regularly read the Website/Facebook for information in order to be fully aware of all upcoming events.
- Gemini School of Dance reserves the right to refuse admittance to any parent/carer of a student of the school, if that person demonstrates inappropriate, violent or abusive behaviour/communications to any staff member, student or other parent at Gemini.
- Gemini School of Dance may take photographs of the students and use these images in our school prospectus or in other printed publications that we produce, as well as on our website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.
- GSD may also make video and audio recordings of students in class, performing at events and our school productions. These videos may be used on our website, You Tube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Twitter pages or DVD’s.
- From time to time, the school may be visited by the media who will take photographs of students, which may appear in local or national newspapers or televised news programmes.
- Parent/Carer consent must be given to the use of all photography and video recordings in line with these terms and conditions, otherwise their children may not be able to take part in classes or other performances.
- No photography or videoing of any student/s in class time is permitted by students or parents/carers, without prior permission.
- Please see further details in our Privacy and Data Protection Policy on our website here:
- Gemini School of Dance is under no obligation to refund lessons that may be missed due to adverse weather. When our venues are safe and accessible, lessons are held. We do however offer your child the option to attend any other class of their age range to make up for the lesson missed, the same as we do when a Bank Holiday falls on a day when your child usually takes class.
- If the venue remains open classes will continue to take place. However, if the venue is closed or the teacher cannot get there, classes will be cancelled. We will update the web page, Facebook and Instagram to notify parents.
- A certain amount of risk is involved by taking part in any physical activity. Students taking part in any classes or events run by Gemini School of Dance do so at their own risk.
- All teachers are qualified, DBS checked and insured. However, due to the nature of teaching dance, sometimes it is necessary to correct positions physically. This is always conducted with care and professionalism.
- The school timetable may be revised at any time.